The steps to purchase items from the Common Language Store are:
Step 1: Find the products you want to buy and click the "Buy" button to add them to your shopping cart. If you plan to order an IAC or EC Code, you may request a free copy of SR-5262, Code Assignment Guidelines IAC/Exchange Carrier (EC) Codes, by sending a request to
Step 2: Check out and set up an account. - Go to the Shopping Cart and click the “Proceed to Checkout” button.
- Setup an account or sign in if you are a returning customer.
- If you set up a new account, enter your address information. If you are a returning customer, after signing in, click the "Submit Order" button and go to #6.
- Email delivery will be pre-selected as the shipping method. Click the "Continue" button to proceed.
- Enter your credit card information and select whether you want us to save your credit card information for future use. Click the "Continue" button.
- Your order summary will be displayed. Once you verify everything is correct, you need to view and accept the “Terms and Conditions” by clicking the link below the shipping method. Click the check box to indicate that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions.
- Click the “Submit Order” button. (Note: The appropriate tax amount will be calculated after the "Submit Order" button is pressed and you will see it on the subsequent screen with the confirmation order number. You will also see the tax amount on the order confirmation email.)
Step 3: You will receive an order confirmation email, which is your receipt, after an order is submitted successfully.
Step 4: For each code that you purchased, click the corresponding link found in the order confirmation email to display a form that you must complete to provide supporting information to the Common Language Customer Support Center (CSC) to create a new code. If you purchased a spreadsheet, then go to step 5.
Step 5: The CSC will send an email containing your new code or codes or spreadsheet depending on what was ordered. For a code, we anticipate a turn-around time of two business days following receipt of your request and verification of information. You may be contacted to provide more information if necessary. For a spreadsheet, we anticipate a turn-around time of one business day following an order confirmation. For CLEI Requests, we anticipate a turn-around time of 30 days. Return and Refund Policy: Items that have been delivered electronically from the Common Language Store are not eligible for refunds or returns. iconectiv will process a refund for incomplete code orders within 30 days if adequate supporting information is not provided to fulfill the request. Payment: All transactions are paid in US dollars. Common Language Store - Privacy Statement Please contact the Common Language Customer Support Center if you have any questions about using the new Common Language store.
+1 877.699.5577 or +1 732.699.5577 (Outside USA) Purchases can only be made with a Credit Card. iconectiv® and Common Language® are registered trademarks and TruOps™, CLEI™ and CLLI™ are trademarks and the Intellectual Property of iconectiv, LLC. |