Effective January 1, 2025, new pricing will be in effect. For further details, please click the pricing chart button or reach out to us via email at clcsc@iconectiv.com. We appreciate your continued patronage. Interexchange Access Customer (IAC) Codes are assigned and administered by iconectiv as the maintenance agent for ANSI (American National Standards Institute). An IAC Code is a three character alphabetic code that represents the legal entity company name for a company requesting communications services as per ANSI ATIS-0300251.2007(R2012), Codes for Identification of Service Providers for Information Exchange. An IAC Code typically is a communications or information provider, however, other types of customers in the communications industry also receive the code as needed to do business with a trading partner and aid flow-thru processes in sending an Access Service Request (ASR) or Local Service Request (LSR) order. Some example classification may include Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier, a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier, a Reseller, a Wireless Services Provider, an Enhanced Service Provider, a Telecommunications Billing and/or Processing Company. A Competitive Access Provider, or any other type of company that is part of the communications industry.
We anticipate a turn-around time of two business days following receipt of your request and verification of information. Should our Customer Service Center need additional information to complete this process, they will contact you. When processing has been completed, the code assignment will be e-mailed to you.
If you need help or have questions, please contact the Common Language Customer Support Center at +1 (877) 699-5577 or clcsc@iconectiv.com. Note: If your company is currently a Common Language Subscriber or you would like information about becoming a Subscriber, please contact Customer Support Center before placing an order.